If you tell me you started a business because you love the grind, you’re lying

People start businesses for all sorts of reasons, but loving the grind isn’t one of them.

Whatever reality you’re trying to create for yourself, I want to help you get there.

Melbourne Brand Psychologist

I’m Liv, resident brand psychologist and I’m here to build a more connected world by using creativity + psychology to build brands that feel human.

Because people don’t connect to brands. They connect to humans.

(See where I’m going with this?)

Imagine a world where capitalism didn’t drain all your energy for enjoyment.

I want to see that world.

One where people can be connected, creative, curious, and able to pursue joy and novelty, whatever that looks like. 

And I have a game plan.

▪ Help business owners be more connected to their audiences by building, improving, and growing human brands.

▪ Help those business owners be more connected to themselves, by building brands that align with the things they care about.

Melbourne Branding Services

The industry is changing. Technology is changing. Consumers are changing. Brands have to change too. There’s a huge opportunity right now for businesses willing to go to the effort of building a human brand. Because whether they know it or not, boring brands are on life support.

Aspiring hand balancer.

Shameless nerd.

Branding bad bitch.

Aspiring hand balancer. Shameless nerd. Branding bad bitch.

Brand copywriter Melbourne

Aspiring hand balancer

Shameless nerd

Branding bad bitch

Liv Steigrad

Liv Steigrad is a Melbourne based brand strategist, brand voice expert and copywriter with a degree in Psychology.

She helps new and established business owners give their ideas the greatest chance at success by creating brand identities that feel human. She also collaborates with designers and agencies to bring end-to-end brand, web, and app projects to life.

When she’s not building brands, she can be found co-hosting The One That Works For You podcast, performing spoken word poetry, or practising her handstands.

As a global African writer, it is really important to be edited by writers and editors with the range and sensibility suitable for our views and interpretations of the world. Liv has just that. Anyone should consider themselves so lucky to be able to work with Liv. She is an outstanding editor and copywriter. Obrigado.

– Guido Andrade de Melo, Author

One for the culture

As someone who has so many intersectional identities it sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, I know first hand what it’s like to live in a system that’s not built for you. As someone who is also privileged, I want to help uplift other minorities however I can.

If you are a queer, Indigenous, or POC-owned business or organisation, I’m happy to offer any of the materials on my Resources page to you for free. I also keep aside some time each quarter to offer heavily discounted or free mentoring, strategy or project work.

If you’d like to take me up on this offer, email me at liv@thebrandingpsychologist.com and let’s talk.

No idea how to even start?

No idea how to even start?

Free Brand Audit Course

Grab the free brand audit mini course

5 psychology-backed steps to make sure your brand is connecting with your audience at every touchpoint. This self-guided course takes you through the steps of conducting a brand audit using my signature BRAVE framework - in less than half an hour a day!

Do yourself a favour.