“I would pay to hear Liv read out my shopping list”

If you want someone who is “articulate, witty, and has a sexy soothing voice” for your next keynote speech, conference presentation, workshops, or podcast guest, I’m your girl.

Brand copywriter Melbourne

Liv ran a fantastic session with our team. The whole team found it super valuable and everyone got actionable takeaways on creating meaningful copy that motivates and converts. She helped us identify gaps in our materials and suggested improvements. I look forward to working with Liv more closely. I highly recommend her services for any marketing/sales/CS professional. Thanks Liv!!

– Jenna Minchuk, Marketing Director at Coviu

Aside from reading out shopping lists, here are some popular topics I can share with your audience

Building Human Brands | Branding Psychologist Melbourne | The Branding Psychologist

Building human brands

The what, the why, and the how. Because the industry and the online landscape is changing and brands that don’t keep up are on life support, whether they know it or not.

Finding your unique brand voice at any stage of business

One that feels good, is easy to use, AND makes you money.

Consumer psychology

Find out what makes your audience tick and how to ethically use that knowledge for business success.

Brand copywriter Melbourne | Copywriting Services Melbourne

And also…

Flipping off assumptions and fearless self creation

The best system/business/lifestyle is the one that works for you. But how do you find it? Make it? And maintain it? I can share stories about life modelling, solo travelling, non-traditional realtionships and lifestyles in the context of creating an environment in which you’re most likely to succeed.

Intersectional existentialism

Creating an existence that doesn’t suck in a system that wasn’t built for you. Running a business as a neurodiverse, queer, woman of colour.

You can also catch me alongside Word Candy’s Martha Barnard-Rae co-hosting

The One That Works For You Podcast

Two frantic type-As with unreasonably high expectations of themselves on a mission to find that elusive trifecta: fulfilment, balance, and success. 

We explore ways people from all walks of life have built their businesses while they try to work out what success looks like for them. Our biggest lesson? The best life is the one that works for you.

So if you're efficient up to your eyeballs and you have systems and processes up the wazoo, power to you.

If not, you'll like this podcast.

The One That Works For You Podcast | The Branding Psychologist
The Branding Psychologist | Google Reviews | Brand copywriter Melbourne

Liv presented to my community. It was an amazing presentation! Well thought out and my people loved it!

– Liz Wilcox



Book me to speak

Want me on your stage / podcast / workshop?

Drop me some details and if it seems like a good fit, I’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

Brand copywriter Melbourne

Already booked me as a speaker? Grab the press kit.