15 lessons from 15 podcast episodes

Starting this podcast was a serious learning curve. I don’t know how many times I muttered swear words at my computer or huffed away from my desk while I was learning how to edit the audio, but honestly? It’s been so worth it.

Partly because of my co-host Martha. You know when you just have that creative synergy with someone and everything you do together is exciting? It’s like that.

But the other part has been talking to so many incredible business owners and getting into the nitty gritty of how they do their days. I love hearing about what systems work for them and how they figured those systems out.

And all our smart, hot, funny, sexy subscribers love it too.

Before kicking off season two with a STAR-STUDDED line up, I thought I’d put together a recap of season 1 with all the most valuable insights.

Episode 1: Time-blocking, shame, and running a business with ADHD with Martha Barnard-Rae

If executive function is a challenge for you, putting structures (like time-blocking) in the day can reduce the number of decisions you have to make throughout the day.

Episode 2: Protecting your energy as a business owner (also – handstands) with Liv Steigrad

You’re allowed to have another job. If your main life goal is protecting your peace and your mental health, having a part time or day job that covers your main expenses can give you the space to be enthusiastic about running your business.

Episode 3: The third space – how rituals can help you find yours with Liv + Martha

Create an environment in which you’re most likely to succeed at what you’re trying to achieve. In this case, you can use rituals to get into the ‘time to work’ mindset.

Episode 4: Significantly and constantly – how to stand up to guilt as a business owner with Liv + Martha

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and defeated about all the things you could/should/would be doing, ask yourself:

  • What makes me joyful?

  • What’s good for me?

And make sure to do some of each.

Episode 5: Wake up when you wake up with Grace Sullivan

Many people want to (or think they want to) do the 5am wake up without taking into account when their most focused time is and what naturally feels good for their body.

Episode 6: Military level executive function with Patricia Viscount

Build your business around the three Fs: fun, fascination, and function.

Episode 7: Self care: from woo-woo to logic with Yael Keon

If you feel like you’re approaching your limits, how can you find time to do something completely for yourself, in amongst the chaos?

Episode 8: Find your brand g-spot with Lanae Carmichael

My version of success is feeling like I’ve adding value to a broader community outside of myself and showing up as a whole person to my family. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to achieve those.

Episode 9: Grief, neurodivergence and finding your soapbox with Peta O’Brien-Day

Life will throw curveballs at you, and you won’t always do everything as much or as well as you want to. Reframing things as “this is okay for right now” can help you focus on different things at different points and counteract business/parent guilt.

Episode 10: Managing client expectations when the stakes are high with Jennifer Heath

When dealing with clients in high stakes situations, acknowledge them TWICE, manage expectations, and act quickly.

Episode 11: Finding play and pleasure as a business owner (and is ‘coach’ a dirty word?) with Lindsay Hyatt

The word ‘just’ is minimising! It gets in the way of accepting and celebrating your business as it is, in the messy middle. 

Episode 12: Subscription law services and creating a business that honours your full self with Emma Maxwell

Everyone is nice. Nice doesn’t mean anything. Nice is often just a way to avoid conflict but kindness is a true part of someone’s character. Being kind sometimes requires you to not be nice

Episode 13: My day starts with me – how to nail your creative practice with Sarah Wayte

Creativity is a living breathing thing that needs replenishing. If you don’t put your own needs ahead of your clients’ needs, nobody will.

Episode 14: Neurodiversity and swallowing the frog with Liv + Martha

Do you always find yourself pushing your self-care or enjoyment to the bottom of your priority list? What if you changed that?

Episode 15: How taking control of micro decisions can help you do less with Belinda Weaver

A successful business is less about big sweeping changes and more about the micro-decisions you make every day. Say no to things and make sure you include regular moments of joy!


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